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Research & Publications

Publications & Patents

"Exploring the World of Research, Publication and Design Patents."

The Brief

I explore design research and study how they can be adopted to address complex problems in various domains including intuitive user experience design and user interface design for process automation/industrial automation domains. Also, I am interested in design pedagogy, education, designing emerging experiences and creativity as an educational medium.



1. Sarma, P., & Das, N. (2023) “A diagnostic study on ui design guidelines for field operators in process automation industries.” vol 97, issue no.5(i), pp.53 - 63

[Journal of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai- UGC Care Group 1 Journal; Impact Factor- 6.40] OPERATORS_IN_PROCESS_AUTOMATION_INDUSTRIES

2. Sarma, P., & Das, N. (2023) “Craft interactive teaching approach for intellectually disabled children education: special reference to Prabhat Foundation Education..” vol 53, issue no.5(ii), pp.126 - 134

[ANVESAK, Sardar Patel Institute of Economic & Social Research- UGC Care Group 1 Journal; Impact Factor- 6.20]

disabled_ children_Education_Special_reference_to_Prabhat_Foundation_Education



1. “Portable Communications Device with a Graphical User Interface.”

     Patent No: US D928826 · Issued Aug 24, 2021C

      [Yokogawa Electric Corporation, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan, 2019]

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